Trait kernel::hil::spi::SpiMasterDevice [] [src]

pub trait SpiMasterDevice {
    fn configure(&self, cpol: ClockPolarity, cpal: ClockPhase, rate: u32);
fn read_write_bytes(
        write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
        read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
        len: usize
    ) -> ReturnCode;
fn set_polarity(&self, cpol: ClockPolarity);
fn set_phase(&self, cpal: ClockPhase);
fn set_rate(&self, rate: u32);
fn get_polarity(&self) -> ClockPolarity;
fn get_phase(&self) -> ClockPhase;
fn get_rate(&self) -> u32; }

SPIMasterDevice provides a chip-specific interface to the SPI Master hardware. The interface wraps the chip select line so that chip drivers cannot communicate with different SPI devices.

Required Methods

Setup the SPI settings and speed of the bus.

Perform an asynchronous read/write operation, whose completion is signaled by invoking SpiMasterClient.read_write_done on the provided client. write_buffer must be Some, read_buffer may be None. If read_buffer is Some, the length of the operation is the minimum of the size of the two buffers.
